Sunday 24 April 2011

Key Development Points

  • At the very beginning of my project I wanted to concentrate on the feeling of not belonging. I wanted to show how I felt about always packing my bags to go somewhere else. I felt like I didn't have a secure home. The basic reason was that in the first year of my degree I had some problems at home and moved out midway through the Christmas holidays. I then spent the following summer at my Dad's house and then last summer at my Grandparents'. I felt that although I felt strongly about the subject I couldn't find a good way to show these feelings in photographs. I took some images of my belongings in different places. The things that come with me everywhere.  

    • While I was photographing my belongings I also decided to record some of the objects that I leave behind. Things that are in every house and I take for granted.

    • From the initial idea I took the small section of it and started to photograph fixtures and fittings within the houses I live in. During this shoot I took several photographs of clocks, this made me start to think about time and I decided to time some of my daily routines and pair the number of seconds with the photographs.

    • After doing these 'time' photographs, I decided it wasn't really the direction I wanted to project to travel in and after the Grasshopper's and Guru's session I moved on to concentrating on bathrooms

    • Once I had decided on the final path for my project all I needed was to photograph as wide a selection of bathrooms as possible.
    • I decided to use a grid formation (as I saw in my research) and also to use similar images within the grid. Before I had used a variety of shots which I liked but felt that the repetition was stronger.

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