Tuesday 30 November 2010

Research - Walker Evans

I came across the work of Walker Evans in one of my photo-books and decided to look further into his work. I really like the way he shows simple objects and house interiors. These images are from several books which I will list at the bottom of this post.

I really like the simplicity of this photograph, the one bellow was taken at the same time from a slightly different angle. I like both of the images equally but i think that they are interesting together as the viewer gets more of an idea of what the place is like.

These two are both quite different as they are taken in very different places, the top one is furnished much more simply.

Both of these images are interesting to me as I enjoy their simplicity and the textures.

These two images have a lot more going on within the frame than the previous images.

 I think that the last photograph is most useful to my research as there are lots of personal belongings shown and this relates back to my initial idea. 

I feel that looking at Walker Evans' work has helped with the development of this project. I have found that photographing objects, which can sometimes look mundane, can be interesting. This shows me that as long as my images are strong like Evans', I can create interesting pieces of work.

The books I used are:
Walker Evans, The Hungry Eye. Giles Mora and John T. Hill
Walker Evans at Work.Jerry Thompson and John T. Hill
They can be found in the library.

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